A society where all people autonomous, have access to a life of dignity, devoid of absolute poverty
- Respect for human rights, equity and justice for all: GLN works with respect for the rights of all people to determine their own destiny and development, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, age or gender.
- Respect for the innate potential, dignity and ability of all people to remake their own lives: GLN works with respect for the beliefs and wisdom of all our partners and applies participatory approaches that build upon existing knowledge and skills, and ensure ownership and control of outputs remains with them.
- Transparency and Accountability: GLN ensures that its assets and resources are used exclusively for the achievement of its mission and consistent with its values. We are open in all our transactions and accountable for our expenditures and impact.
- Concern for a healthy and clean environment: GLN promotes technologies that build upon indigenous knowledge and resources, while regenerating and protecting the environment, ensuring people's health and safety.